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Sistema de seguridad H-D Smart

N.º de pieza: 41000460

El sistema de seguridad Smart H-D® ofrece autoarmado y desarmado automático de las funciones de seguridad electrónica del vehículo.

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El sistema de seguridad Smart H-D® ofrece autoarmado y desarmado automático de las funciones de seguridad electrónica del vehículo.
Hands-Free Fob communicates directly on its own unique and individualized frequency with the Hands-Free Security Module and Antenna
Attach the Hands-Free Fob to your vehicle ignition key ring and as you upright your vehicle or switch the ignition on, the Hands-Free Fob will communicate the Security System "disarm" command allowing you to start your vehicle
After riding your vehicle, park and switch the ignition off with your key. Within 5 seconds the Security System will automatically self-arm, disabling your vehicle starter, ignition and electronic fuel injection (EFI)
Rider may also disarm the system by keying a previously entered personal code on the turn signal switches
Flashing status indicator informs the rider that the Smart Security System is armed or disarmed
System allows configuration to include the Transport Mode or Extended Storage Mode
Includes security module, antenna module, 2 hands-free fobs

Se adapta a modelos XG 2017 y posteriores.

WARRANTY: 1 year limited warranty – Go to www.h-d.com/warranty for full details